Andela Insights

A valuable resource for developers, tech enthusiasts, and anyone interested in staying informed about the latest trends and developments in software engineering and technology.

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Qualified and Learnosity Partnership: Bridging the Skills Gap with Developer Assessments

Qualified, powered by Andela®, and Learnosity have teamed up to offer an innovative and flexible way of assessing tech skills across languages and frameworks.

3 AI Tools to Boost Your Productivity 4x

In this Writer's Room blog, Andela community member Francisco Quintana discusses that while AI won’t take our jobs, letting it take over some menial tasks can greatly enhance our productivity and employability.‍

How to transition your company to a remote environment

Organizations need to embrace a remote-first mindset, whether they have a hybrid work model or not. Remote-first companies can see a boost in more employee morale and productivity. Here’s how to successfully shift to a remote-first environment.

Andela Appoints Kishore Rachapudi as Chief Revenue Officer

Andela scales to meet rising demand among companies to source technical talent in other countries for short or long-term projects.

How Andela's all-female learning program in Lagos is still transforming careers ten years on

In 2014, we launched an all-female cohort in Lagos, Nigeria, to train women in software engineering and development. We spoke to three of the trailblazing women from cohort 4 to find out how the program still inspires their technology careers 10 years later.

IWD: How women at Andela are inspiring inclusion across the tech industry

The theme of this year’s International Women’s Day is #inspireinclusion. We asked some of our female Andelans to offer their expertise and unique perspectives on inclusion, their personal successes, and how they intend to encourage more women to join the tech industry over the next 10 years.

What AIs work best together and how

Unlock the synergy of GenAI systems with our infographic guide on which AIs complement each other, their applications, and what combinations to avoid.

How to fortify your cybersecurity defences for the remote workplace

In this Writer's Room blog, Andela community member Stephen Henry discusses why, with a revolving door of malware and threat actors appearing, it is essential for all remote workers and organizations to secure their defences!

The benefits and challenges of hiring a remote IT team

Not only are IT hires critical to business success, they’re also the most in-demand, making finding the right fit a top priority — and a big challenge. Learn how to efficiently access skilled and diverse talent.

We have a 96%+
talent match success rate.

The Andela Talent Operating Platform provides transparency to talent profiles and assessment before hiring. AI-driven algorithms match the right talent for the job.

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