Adaptive Hiring
May 25, 2022

5 tips to get hired by top tech companies

Eliza Power
5 minutes

As a technologist, you must be one step ahead to grow your career. Even as a senior developer or engineer – at the top of your game – it’s essential to understand how you can hone your skills, perfect your profile, and build your brand to attract opportunities at some of the world’s most exciting organizations.

From Delotte’s recent technology industry outlook report to Gartner’s predictions on technology trends gaining traction in Banking and Investment, it’s clear that the technological evolution is still gearing up. And as a result, technology enterprises, including Google and Meta, are creating a huge selection of advanced, senior-level technologist roles designed to make an impact and change the industry landscape.

But as roles increase, so does competition, and it’s essential to find ways to market yourself correctly so that you have the best chance of finding your dream role.  

As a global marketplace for technologists, Andela is in the business of changing lives. We’re committed to your success – so we’re listing five important tips that can help you stand out from the crowd!

Plus, find out how you can join Andela to take the next step on your career path. Discover the process and how to access exciting roles at the world’s best companies!

#1. Perfect your English skills

If you’re a remote developer based in Bulgaria, or an engineer working from home in Poland, you might be seeking a role at a global firm. Technology organizations worldwide generally use English as their preferred universal language for ease, so ensuring your English language skills are sharpened can make all the difference when looking for your next role.

You can perfect your English using various online language platforms, from Babble and Duolingo and Rosetta Stone, both free and paid.

For those seeking a more in-depth learning experience, we’ve partnered with *ELSA SPEAK* – an English online training provider and Artificial Intelligence “coach” that allows everyone to practice the art of speaking the English Language like a native speaker.

Sign up with the Andela affiliate link to get started and to access our special discount offer of 85% off on a lifetime membership and 40% off on 1-year membership!

#2. Revamp your resume

Your resume is your calling card, detailing your experience and expertise and showcasing the variety of projects you’ve developed, skills you’ve mastered, and companies you’ve worked with.

The key to creating a sharp and noticeable resume is to be concise and focused, detailing the essentials.

  • Remove old jobs: Have you been using the same resume since you started in your technologist career? If you’re a senior level technologist around 10 to 15 years into your career (or more), it’s probably time to remove some entry-level roles!
  • Add your latest skill set: Have you taken an online class or mastered a new language? Update your resume with all your latest skills.
  • Check your keywords: If you work in tech, you know the latest languages and buzzwords change on a daily basis, from Python, to Ruby, to Golang! Jargon changes, and with it, so do the words recruiters and applicant tracking software look for while scanning through your resume. Review other job descriptions posted in your industry for guidance, then read through your own resume to make sure you have all the necessary keywords listed.
  • Update formatting: You don’t need a snazzily designed resume, but using contemporary styles and professional fonts will enable your cv to stand out. The right font especially can set the tone – at Andela, we love Lato!
  • Proofread: You want to make a good impression, so good spelling and grammar are incredibly important. Free online proofreading tools such as Grammarly are easy and quick fixes to ensure your resume is in tip top shape!

To find out more about good resume writing, check out this link.

#3. Build your online brand

It isn’t just your cv that needs to be sharpened – your online presence does too! Some of the world’s biggest tech organizations often use a traditional Google search when considering a candidate. If you have a limited or outdated online profile, it might work against you.

You can improve your personal brand and online profiles by:

  • Joining and updating social networks: LinkedIn is a particularly popular platform that not only helps you network, but also acts as an online resume. Ensure you’re regularly engaging with other technologists online and posting, as well as looking at potential companies you might be interested in working for. We’ve written an indepth blog about optimizing your LinkedIn profile – check it out! Also remember to use Facebook and Twitter to share articles and data with like minded technologists.
  • Become a thought leader:  Have you worked on a project or created an app that other people might be interested in hearing about? Or do you have a specific interest and knowledge on upcoming tech trends? Then write about it! Blog and thought leadership article writing is a great way to build an online following and to attract global employers to your website or profile. You could start a blog on Medium – or even write for Andela! We encourage all of our community to write for us as part of our ‘Writer’s Room’! Check out this latest tutorial blog from our community member Chesvic Hilary.

#4. Get interview ready

So… you’ve attracted a great opportunity and now you have an interview booked. The next stage is to practice, practice and practice!

From researching the company to ensuring your workspace is in order, read our list of tips for leveling up your interview skills!

#5 Research in demand skills

Programming languages and other skill sets evolve daily, and staying on top of the latest trends is essential to securing a senior position at a top technology organization.

Demand for specific skills increases over time. Keeping up with the changing demands and honing your skills can give you an advantage over other candidates. At Andela, we’re seeing an increase in the number of clients requesting new and different skills.

Check out FDM’s recommendations for the top 5 technology skills you need to know about in 2023!

And finally… Join Andela!

At Andela, we know the job-seeking process can be tough to navigate. We partner with technologists in our Andela Talent Network to help them grow their long-term careers and find meaningful work with companies they love. From Fintech to healthcare and Machine Learning to Gamification, we’ve enabled tech experts to gain access to the most innovative, exciting roles at the world’s best companies.

84% of technologists increase their salary with Andela.

Plus, we offer brilliance beyond borders: we’ll connect you to anytime, anywhere roles at the world’s best organizations.

Want to be part of Andela? Then join the Andela Talent Network!

With over 225,000 technologists in over 100 countries, we’re committed to creating diverse remote engineering teams with the world’s top talent. Our network members enjoy being part of a talented community through activities, benefits, collaboration, and virtual and in-person meetups.

All you need to do to join the Andela Talent Network is to follow our simple sign-up process.

Submit your details via our online application then…

  1. Complete an English fluency test – 15 minutes.

You’ll be asked to complete an online English fluency test, which lasts just 15 minutes!

2. Take a technical assessment on your chosen skill (Python, Golang, etc.) – 1 hour.

Once you’ve passes the English fluency test, you’ll be invited to take a technical assessment. This one-hour, online coding challenge evaluates your problem-solving skills and domain knowledge in your chosen programming language.

3. Meet with one of our technical screeners for a technical interview – 1 hour.

Those who pass both the English test and the coding test will progress onto the final stage of the process – an interview with a technical screener! You’ll discuss the following:

  • Technical requirements
  • Work history
  • Expectations and corporate culture
  • Pair programming (for software engineers, including QA)
  • Portfolio review (for product designers)

Everyone who is accepted to join the Andela Talent Network will then have the chance to:

1. Build your profile

2. Research available jobs

3. Apply for suitable jobs

4. Work with one of our dedicated Andela matchers to help find the perfect role for you!

Interested in joining Andela? Visit the Andela Talent Network sign-up page to find out more.

If you found this blog useful, check out our other blog posts for more essential insights!

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