Sep 27, 2023

Performance Reviews for Remote Technical Teams, Lessons Learned

In today’s increasingly remote work landscape, talent management and performance reviews are changing. How can leaders best evaluate talent in remote work environments? Do quantitative and qualitative criteria adjust when we’re evaluating global, distributed talent?

In this webinar, we share timely learnings from recent talent reviews with Andela’s global, remote engineering team. We reveal how the typical performance bell curve surprisingly changed for our team and leave you with lessons learned and practical takeaways for talent and performance management. 

Key takeaways: 

  • The trends and anomalies we observed in talent performance distribution in a remote setting.
  • Practical insights into conducting 9-Box evaluations that reveal more than just the typical metrics.
  • How to leverage systems like Lattice and Qualified.io for enhancing visibility in performance cycles.
  • Strategies to use data to build robust reskilling and up-skilling programs.

Don’t miss this opportunity to reshape your talent management approach and unleash the full potential of your organization’s most valuable asset - its people. 

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Performance Reviews for Remote Technical Teams, Lessons Learned

Gain insights on how to best evaluate talent in remote work environments.

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